At first a small artists colony and picturesque resort rich in spectacular mountains, dramatic seasonal changes and weather, colorful highlanders, and regional folklore, Zakopane soon grew into a major tourist attraction for skiers, hikers, and vacationers.From 4500 inhabitants in 1900, order a credit report Oregon the population reached 17,000 in 1937figures which were doubled or tripled during the summer season.Polands international stars in the order a credit report Oregon arts often visited Zakopane, where many built homes in the local architectural style promoted by the elder Witkiewicz.Although it had no permanent theatre of its own, Zakopane was in the cultural orbit of Cracow, the ancient Polish capital fifty miles to the north, which at the turn of the century became the center of a progressive new movement in the arts known as Young Poland. Throughout the nineteenth-century Polish theatre had flourished as an art of the performer, but shackled by censorship and the constraints of partition and occupation, drama for the most part stagnated. free credit report report The great poet-playwrights of the romantic era had written in exile or for the drawer, and their works extolling freedom were forbidden in consequence of the uprisings and bloody reprisals.
In the 1890s the situation gradually began to change as the old imperial structures showed signs of approaching decline and disintegration.Because in order a credit report Oregon the relatively tolerant Austrian sector government control of the arts was less stringent, writers and artists inspired by the new modernist trends from Western Europenaturalism and symbolismmade Cracow their headquarters.A new municipal theatre, built in 1893, introduced the modern repertory of Ibsen, Hauptmann, Strindberg, and Wedekind. phone number for free credit report The old city itself was a kind of stage upon which a small band of writers, artists, and bourgeois bohemians lived theatricalized lives.
Back from art studies and theatre-going in Paris, the painter-playwright Stanislaw Wyspianski developed a uniquely Polish form of poetic drama, based on a synthesis of the arts. Using a powerful theatrical language of metaphors and images capable of embodying complex social and political issues.Polish modernist theatre was in Wyspianskis hands nationalist and liberationist in ideology.
Zakopane was quick to adopt order a credit report Oregon the new currents with which Cracow was astir.The Witkiewicz household, although modest in means, became a major center for Polish intellectual life; the talk that young Stas heard as a child was of order a credit report Oregon Nietzsche, Maeterlinck, Wilde, and the latest premieres in Cracow. 3 credit report score
Taught entirely at home by tutors (prestigious friends of the family from the world of the arts and sciences), according to his fathers radically nonconformist educational principles, Stas was encouraged to develop his talents freely in many directions.