Sqwrll,Although I am annual credit report free credit report Rapid City not really in favor of living off the credit grid entirely, I agree that since credit-scoring came into being, more people are in trouble. Before credit-scoring existed, a loan officer evaluated your income and assets and decided annual credit report free credit report Rapid City up or down whether to give you a loan.With credit-scoring, lenders almost never deny you a loan even if you are not at all credit-worthy.
You just annual credit report free credit report Rapid City pay more for the loan in interest and fees. As a result, the least credit-worthy pay the most and end up in trouble. credit report for free Credit-scoring does lead to more foreclosures, bankruptcy and debt. To Marlys Harris:I agree with you, it is absolutely ridiculous that we should have to pay for our credit information, scores that is.
On annualcreditreport.com you get your information put it wants you to pay for your score. Why should I annual credit report free credit report Rapid City pay for my informationit belongs to me and no one else. credit reporting laws Freecreditreport.com and their ads our absolutely inane and false. But the credit bureaus have definelty invoked fears in our culture with our credit scores. It is crazy how everyone is looking at your annual credit report free credit report Rapid City credit score. For instance why do insurance companies need to look at your credit score, and then base your insurance rates on your credit score, especially when you annual credit report free credit report Rapid City have it setup to come out of your monthly bank account on the same day of each month. I remember when I was 16 in 1997, and was just starting drive they did not base my insurance rate on my credit score, I had no credit score, I think the annual credit report free credit report Rapid City first time I ever heard of it was in annual credit report free credit report Rapid City 2004 or 2005. free credit reports by law